Video and Digital Imaging Labs

(ViDi Labs  ABN 8382601595)

Intro to the ViDiLabs calculator v.2 

ViDiLabs calculator

The ViDiLabs calculator is written both for the iOS and Android operating systems, but it can also be run on the latest Mac M1 based, while the Android version can be run on a standard Mac or PC by installing Android emulator software. Just click the logos on the left to go to Apple App Store, or Google Play store.


This app is intended for all who use digital cameras, be that cinematographers, photographers, machine vision users and certainly surveillance or CCTV users.

The primary goal is to help determine focal length for a given angle of view, or distance for a given pixel density, which defines the recognisability of the objects observed, and thus you can make sure that your installation complies with the latest standards.

The ViDiLabs calculator also allows you to find the optimum exposure in order to minimise the motion blur effect when observing a moving objects, such as a running person or a moving vehicle with a certain speed. Since everything of interest in surveillance moves, using these calculations can be extremely useful, whether that is a LPR system, or perhaps Face Recognition software. 

Even intelligent AI algorithms can benefit from using our app calculations for optimum object clarity. 

The ViDilabs calculator can also help you in determining the required hard disk storage for a given days of recording, or perhaps what size of a USB flash drive you need in order to export 10 minutes of video for example of all your cameras involved in recording an incident in your CCTV system, so that you can pass this to the authority for further investigation.

Last but not least we also show you the simulated quality of the selected compression in your system design, by using our ViDi Labs test chart.

The latest version 2 is a free upgrade for all previous owners. 

The case studies videos below illustrate the many different uses of the ViDiLabs calculator.

Case studies and examples:

Measuring height

Automatic face identification

Motion blur

Digital part - storage case studies

Distance to a ship on the horizon

Thermal cameras

Roulette Motion Blur

Wide angle lens distortions

ViDi Labs © 2025